Fundraiser thank you

Thank you to fundraisers September – November!

Thank you to all of our Community Fundraisers and to the residents of Calvert County for your participation.  We greatly appreciate all of your support. Because of all that you provide, Calvert Hospice can continue…

Children's programs pic

Journeys Support Group Helps Families Heal After Loss

Each year millions of people die in the United States, most of whom leave behind friends and family members who mourn their loss. Grief is defined as “deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death”…

Volunteer graphic

Volunteering: Good for you and for those you serve

Did you know that volunteering has health benefits? In a helpful article from the Mayo Clinic Health System (no longer available), six benefits are listed: decreased risk of depression, providing a sense of purpose, staying…

GivingTuesday thank you

Calvert Hospice #GivingTuesday Campaign Raises Over $10,000

We are so pleased to announce that our 2018 #GivingTuesday campaign raised over $10,000 for children’s bereavement programs. We are thankful to each and every person who chose to donate to our fundraiser. You truly…

Burnett Hospice House

You Can Make a Difference for the Burnett Calvert Hospice House

The Burnett Calvert Hospice House has always been about compassion, long before it was even built. Almost twenty years ago, Calvert Hospice and supporters throughout the county recognized the need for a home where people with life-limiting…

Board of Directors

The Ideal Medical Specialty

By: Amanda Peterson Consider for a moment what the ideal medical specialty might look like in practice. Doctors who visit you at home? Nurses on call 24/7 to answer questions or visit in the case…


2016 in Review

2016 has been a busy year for Calvert Hospice! We appreciate each and every person who has supported us by entrusting loved ones to our care, reaching out to us with questions, attending our events…


A New Family Tradition

Tomorrow marks the beginning of what we hope will become a family tradition for many of you in Calvert County. We are so pleased to be able to offer our first annual Festival of Wreaths…


Five Ways Hospice Can Help

The vast majority of Americans say what they want at the end of life is to die in their own homes, as comfortable and pain-free as possible. The hospice philosophy is about making sure that…

Treating Hospice Patients with Dignity

Learn What Hospice Care Really Means to Patients and their Families

What makes a good death? This is a question that many people prefer not to think about in their day-to-day lives. However, for patients facing an uncertain future, it is an extremely relevant reality. The…